Tuesday, December 3, 2013


  This time of year we all think of the things that we are thankful for. Things like our health, family,and friends. I, like all of you, am thankful for all those things as well, obviously but I'd like to take some time to "flip the script" as all the kids say and talk about some things that I'm not thankful for. Maybe you will feel the same way about these things as well.
   I'm not thankful for auto correct. While at times it does come in handy to correct some misspelled words, it's when there is a curse word that a pretty obvious situation arises and if you curse a lot like me, well then you can understand the problem. Since most of us text each other now, instead of call, it would be nice to reply to a text without a swear word being changed to a different word that completely ruins the text. In some cases the person attempting to text the swear will notice once the text is sent that a word was auto corrected and changed and that person will attempt to resend the swear word thinking they misspelled it only to have the same result. That leads to a tangent of auto corrected swears that leads to a phone being thrown out a window. here's an example.
Jeff: Hey Man, Did you see that Cavs Game last night?
Me: Yeah! They played like horse shin
Jeff: lol horse shin?
Me: shin!
Me: SHIT!!!
Me: Ducking auto correct man!!
Jeff: lol lol
Me: Duck you!

 I am not thankful for grocery stores. Ok maybe not so much grocery stores but the people who go to them and are totally oblivious to everyone else there. You know the kind of people I'm talking about. they leave their cart in the middle of the aisle while they walk all the way down to the other end to look at what kind of fucking mayo they want to buy. They see you coming but god forbid they give up on the hunt for the perfect mayo, to come move their cart. There are also the people who walk behind you and you can feel the front of their cart right on your ass. Listen, I get it, you don't want to be here and neither do I but this isn't Super Market Sweep. Chill the Fuck out. Then there are the people who walk super slow and not because they are old or are trying to find a certain thing , but because they are on their phone yapping away. Of course you end up behind this person throughout the whole store, even if you pass them up. Some how they manage to get in front of you again. Is your conversation so important that it can't wait till you are sitting in your car? I've said it before, grocery shopping makes me hate humanity. Do I want to go grocery shopping? I'd rather be naked covered in fucking fire ants..................unless we go to Target.

   I'm not thankful for Cable, yep cable tv. When my wife and I moved into our new home last January. One thing we decided to do was to cut the cord on cable and use the internet. You can practically watch anything on line. So we had our internet installed and I signed up for Netflix and Hulu Plus. I'ts been awesome. Hulu Plus has just about everything that aired the night before. So I can still watch the new episode of Family Guy but just have to wait a day. Which is fine by me. It beats paying those unbelievably high cable bills. I pay about $16 a month on Hulu and Netflix. Can't beat it. The one down side to not having cable though, is sporting events. Like NFL and NBA games and so on. However a few months back the NFL met with Google (who owns You Tube) about bringing NFL Sunday Ticket to You Tube. The NFLs deal with Direct TV expires in 2015. Seems the NFL is catching on to the growing trend of cutting the cord. I doubt that I will ever again have cable tv. If anyone is considering doing what we did, I strongly recommend it. It's nice to have that extra money around. fuck cable.

  I am however thankful for you, my readers. However many of you are left. Thanks for taking the time out to read my poorly typed words. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have a great Holiday season.

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