Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's All Good in the Parenthood Part 4

     Our final day at the hospital finally arrives. Trevor is healthy and is ready to head home as is Danielle. However before we check out, I have to go down to the car with the "car seat specialist" so she can make sure our car seat is properly installed before we can leave with the baby.  My wife and mother in law had installed the seat one day while I was at work so I didn't really have the joy of installing it myself. Let's be honest, installing these seats is a pain in the ass. You're leaning in your hot car, sweating, trying to get the straps secure while reading the horrible fucking directions and the whole time you have the pressure of if you aren't installing it correctly, your baby could die. Yeah it's no fun. The seat was installed correctly except for one thing. We have a carrier that snaps into the base of the car seat. The specialist informs me to have the handle of the carrier up so it can act as a roll bar in case of an accident. Well that's certainly good to know. Let's hope I never have to test that theory out. 

     We also have to wait for what seems like 10 different doctors to stop by our room before we can leave. We wait for the pediatrician, the anesthesiologist because Danielles leg is still numb from the epidural, the vagina doctor, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Dr. Huxtable, and so on and so forth. Finally after the final doctor leaves, we are cleared for take off. Which is good because it was a beautiful spring day and the sun was shining into our room and heating it up like an oven. To make matters worse, the AC wasn't ready to be turned on yet. Yeah it's time to go home.

     I take our belongings down to the car. A few minutes later I pull the car up to pick up my wife and baby who have been brought down in a wheel chair by a nurse. My wife decides to drive and I sit in the back with Trevor and he sleeps the whole way home. As we pull out of the hospital, I don't think I've ever been so happy to go home. All in all though with exception of the horrible sleep I got, our experience at the hospital was pretty good. The nurses were very helpful and were always there if we needed anything or had any questions. Pretty much anytime Trevor would cry, a nurse would come in and check to make sure everything was okay. That's a really good thing up until you get home and then you are on your own.

     We get home and it's exciting. Everyone who hasn't seen the baby makes their way over to see our new addition. At the time I was happy to have everyone over to show him off but afterwards I regretted it. We had just gotten home and probably should have just rested and had company over the following day. Oh well, live and learn. Once everyone leaves Trevor decides it's time to scream. Danielle tries to feed him but he won't latch on. He just keeps crying. We take turns asking each other what he may want or what we should do. It was horrible. It was a rude awakening that this was it. You're parents now and there is no nurse to bail you out. Eventually he finally calms down and order is restored. That was a rough night and thankfully there hasn't been one as bad since.

     It's hard to believe that it has been almost 5 months since Trevor was born. Time was flying before he was here and now it seems to be going even faster. I'm not sure when he stopped looking like a newborn but now when I see one all I can think is "wow I remember Trevor being that small". Now he is smiling and laughing and even just rolled over for the first time about 2 weeks ago. Before I know it he will be heading off to college(hopefully) and writing his own sub par blog. 

                                That's the last time he will smile while wearing a Browns jersey.

     Parenting is going to be and has been an adventure. I look forward to seeing how Trevor turns out in life and hope that my wife and I do all we can to make him a decent human being who is loving and caring because the world is seems to be lacking those kinds of people nowadays. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh or smile, and whenever I am stressed or having a shitty day I can pull out my phone and look a a picture of his smiling face and all is right with the world. For him, I'd sleep on a fucking chair bed any day.

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